Conexiones a tierra en los diferentes sistemas fotovoltaicos Techno Sun, SLU Grounding in photovoltaics We have previously talked about la conexión a tierra y la seguridad eléctrica , We now turn to grounding in different PV systems. : + Off-grid system + Self-consumption with... conexión a tierra conocimiento fotovoltaico 16 nov. 2022 0 3838
¿Qué es un amperio hora? Techno Sun, SLU, Hugo Rodrigo : What is an ampere hour? The ampere hour (Ah) is a unit of electrical charge, a unit of measurement of the maximum amount of energy flowing through terminals, such as a solar battery , for sixty minute... Baterías amperio hora conocimiento fotovoltaico 12 ene. 2022 0 3735
Características de las baterías solares Techno Sun, SLU, Hugo Rodrigo : Solar batteries and characteristics The Photovoltaic batteries are an essential element for self-consumption and solar installations, especially off-grid ones. Below we will review some of their most ... Baterías conocimiento fotovoltaico 10 dic. 2021 0 5420
Diferencias entre MPPT y PWM Techno Sun, SLU, Hugo Rodrigo : MPPT vs PWM solar regulator The inverters solar , PWM solar controllers and other elements of the photovoltaic installations include an MPPT or a PWM, both of which are designed to take advantage of t... conocimiento fotovoltaico mppt pwm regulador solar 29 oct. 2021 0 6798
Cálculo de la distancia mínima entre paneles solares para evitar sombras Techno Sun, SLU, Hugo Rodrigo : Shadows between solar panels Shading is one of the great enemies of photovoltaic installations. Not only can they cause a drop in performance and energy production, but they can also cause irreversibl... conocimiento fotovoltaico panel solar sombras panel 28 oct. 2021 0 10325
Paneles solares: 12V, 24V y 48V Techno Sun, SLU, Hugo Rodrigo : Classification of solar panels by voltage The solar panels can be classified in many ways. We can classify them according to whether they are monocrystalline or polycrystalline, also according to thei... conocimiento fotovoltaico panel solar tensión 27 oct. 2021 0 12332
Baterías solares: estado de carga Techno Sun, SLU, Hugo Rodrigo : Si bien las baterías solares tienen una larga vida útil hay que tener un mantenimiento y un control de las mismas para asegurarse que su funcionamiento es el correcto y que no hayan podido ser dañadas... Baterías baterías de plomo-ácido conocimiento fotovoltaico estado de carga 26 oct. 2021 0 3909
Estructuras fotovoltaicas Techno Sun, SLU, Hugo Rodrigo : The importance of solar panel structures The photovoltaic structure is an essential element of any installation since it is responsible for holding the solar panels correctly, ensuring protection agai... conocimiento fotovoltaico estructuras solares 22 oct. 2021 0 3989
Diferencia entre un inversor CC/CC y CC/CA Techno Sun, SLU, Hugo Rodrigo : Difference between direct current and alternating current inverters In a photovoltaic installation, solar panels are direct current (DC) energy generators, although the voltage at which the photovolta... CC/CA CC/CC Inversores conocimiento fotovoltaico 20 oct. 2021 0 5351
¿Cómo determinar la radiación solar en un lugar determinado? Techno Sun, SLU, Hugo Rodrigo : How to know the solar radiation received by a photovoltaic installation? In many occasions when we make a study of a solar installation, in addition to the consumption, it is important to determine th... conocimiento fotovoltaico irradiación solar radiación solar 6 oct. 2021 0 4601
Mantenimiento de estructuras fotovoltaicas Techno Sun, SLU, Hugo Rodrigo : El mantenimiento de las estructuras para paneles solares suele quedar en muchas ocasiones relegado ante el mantenimiento de otros elementos de la instalación como los módulos fotovoltaicos , los inver... conocimiento fotovoltaico estructuras solares mantenimiento estructuras solares 5 oct. 2021 0 4312
El peligro de la suciedad en los paneles solares Techno Sun, SLU, Hugo Rodrigo : The problem of dirt on solar panels Dirt accumulation on solar panels can pose a number of serious risks to the integrity of the solar panels. . In addition to the loss of power due to blocked irradia... conocimiento fotovoltaico panel solar suciedad panel solar 4 oct. 2021 0 4174