Meyer Burger se asocia para llevar la tecnología de células tándem de perovskita a escala industrial Techno Sun, SLU Meyer Burger quiere desarrollar las células solares de perovskita a nivel comercial Meyer Burger ha formado un consorcio para desarrollar la tecnología solar en tándem de perovskita y silicio para uso... Meyer Burger células panel solar Dec 16, 2022 0 2480 Professional Photovoltaic Area
PERC, PERL and PERT cells Techno Sun, SLU, Hugo Rodrigo : Difference between PERC, PERL and PERT solar cells There are numerous cell designs that integrate the major technological advances discovered and used in laboratories. These types of cells have been u... PERC PERL PERT conocimiento fotovoltaico células panel solar Sep 22, 2021 0 7857 Professional Photovoltaic Area
Tecnología de la fotovoltaica bifacial: Células (I) Techno Sun, SLU, Hugo Rodrigo : La fotovoltaica bifacial es una tecnología que requiere cambios específicos en tres etapas de la cadena de valor fotovoltaica: células, módulos y obleas. En este primer de tres artículos desde Techno ... bifacial conocimiento fotovoltaico células módulos bifaciales Sep 6, 2021 0 4561 Professional Photovoltaic Area
PERC cell technology and half-cell solar modules Techno Sun, SLU, Hugo Rodrigo : How increased efficiency and cell design lead to higher charge controller performance Photovoltaic modules are continuously improving thanks to R&D efforts that contribute to increased efficiency and ... células módulos solares panel solar May 11, 2021 0 5058 Professional Photovoltaic Area