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  • Kit Caravaning
  • Paneles solares
  • Inverters
  • Cargar desde alternador
  • Cargar desde Solar
  • DC/DC Conversión
  • Baterías
  • Protección baterías
  • Cargar desde red o generador
  • Monitorización
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Solar batteries for caravans and camper vans

A wide range of solar batteries for van, caravan and camper with different technologies, from lithium batteries to AGM or GEL. With a wide range of storage capacity possibilities to cover all possible consumption needs.

Thanks to the solar batteries you will be able to consume the surplus energy produced by the solar panels or accumulated through the alternator or other sources during the hours when there is no light.

1,260.84 € 1260.84 EUR

1,525.62 € 1,525.62 € with taxes

743.13 € 743.13 EUR

899.19 € 899.19 € with taxes

245.39 € 245.39000000000001 EUR

296.92 € 296.92 € with taxes

304.23 € 304.23 EUR

368.12 € 368.12 € with taxes

161.60 € 161.6 EUR

195.54 € 195.54 € with taxes

238.41 € 238.41 EUR

288.48 € 288.48 € with taxes

330.18 € 330.18 EUR

399.52 € 399.52 € with taxes

284.28 € 284.28000000000003 EUR

343.98 € 343.98 € with taxes

23.94 € 23.94 EUR

28.97 € 28.97 € with taxes

186.54 € 186.54 EUR

225.71 € 225.71 € with taxes

238.41 € 238.41 EUR

288.48 € 288.48 € with taxes

140.64 € 140.64000000000001 EUR

170.17 € 170.17 € with taxes

357.11 € 357.11 EUR

432.10 € 432.10 € with taxes

331.17 € 331.17 EUR

400.72 € 400.72 € with taxes

1,180.05 € 1180.05 EUR

1,427.86 € 1,427.86 € with taxes

181.55 € 181.55 EUR

219.68 € 219.68 € with taxes

409.98 € 409.98 EUR

496.08 € 496.08 € with taxes

908.73 € 908.73 EUR

1,099.56 € 1,099.56 € with taxes

41.90 € 41.9 EUR

50.70 € 50.70 € with taxes

352.11 € 352.11 EUR

426.05 € 426.05 € with taxes

556.61 € 556.61 EUR

673.50 € 673.50 € with taxes