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  • Kit Caravaning
  • Paneles solares
  • Inverters
  • Cargar desde alternador
  • Cargar desde Solar
  • DC/DC Conversión
  • Baterías
  • Protección baterías
  • Cargar desde red o generador
  • Monitorización
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Monitoring of solar systems for caravans and camper vans

The monitoring of solar systems for caravan and camper is a key factor for the control of solar installations, whether large-scale or small, as in the case of photovoltaic systems in caravans and camper. Thanks to monitoring we can ensure that the entire installation is working properly, and we can know how much capacity we have in our batteries and if it will be enough for our needs, in addition, in case of any incident, monitoring can warn us of its existence so that we can solve it as soon as possible and thus avoid greater evils and not having energy.
Translated with (free version)

168.57 € 168.57 EUR

203.97 € 203.97 € with taxes

209.48 € 209.48000000000002 EUR

253.47 € 253.47 € with taxes

41.90 € 41.9 EUR

50.70 € 50.70 € with taxes

539.64 € 539.64 EUR

652.96 € 652.96 € with taxes

146.64 € 146.64000000000001 EUR

177.43 € 177.43 € with taxes

146.64 € 146.64000000000001 EUR

177.43 € 177.43 € with taxes

Color Control GX Retail [BPP010300100R] Color Control GX Retail

El Color Control GX es el centro de comunicaciones de su instalación. Ofrece información en tiempo real de un vistazo y le permite controlar todos los productos conectados a él. Podrá controlar todo el sistema - desde prácticamente cualquier parte del mundo - accediendo a su Color Control GX mediante el Portal Victron (VRM), de uso gratuito.
460.85 € 460.85 EUR

557.63 € 557.63 € with taxes

146.64 € 146.64000000000001 EUR

177.43 € 177.43 € with taxes

117.71 € 117.71000000000001 EUR

142.43 € 142.43 € with taxes

GX Touch 50 [BPP900455050] GX Touch 50
Surface or wall mounting.
234.42 € 234.42000000000002 EUR

283.65 € 283.65 € with taxes

106.74 € 106.74000000000001 EUR

129.16 € 129.16 € with taxes

176.55 € 176.55 EUR

213.63 € 213.63 € with taxes

240.39 € 240.39000000000001 EUR

290.87 € 290.87 € with taxes

160.15 € 160.15 EUR

193.78 € 193.78 € with taxes

564.59 € 564.59 EUR

683.15 € 683.15 € with taxes

117.71 € 117.71000000000001 EUR

142.43 € 142.43 € with taxes

146.64 € 146.64000000000001 EUR

177.43 € 177.43 € with taxes

GX Touch 70 [BPP900455070] GX Touch 70
Surface or wall mounting.
345.14 € 345.14 EUR

417.62 € 417.62 € with taxes

600.50 € 600.5 EUR

726.61 € 726.61 € with taxes

106.74 € 106.74000000000001 EUR

129.16 € 129.16 € with taxes