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12 Volt Solar Panel
Flexible solar panels
Paneles bifaciales
Solar Panels Promotions
Photovoltaic solar panels
A wide range of solar panels for your home or business
The power range of the solar panels we offer goes from 5W to 500W, which we can divide by three concepts: the number of cells, the size of the cells and the technology of the photovoltaic cells mentioned above.
All our photovoltaic solar panels have a minimum 8-year manufacturing warranty and up to 25-year production warranty. This applies to both polycrystalline and monocrystalline solar panels as well as to the new HJT (Heterojunction) and PERC monocrystalline photovoltaic module technology, because we only import the best brands that are at the top of the Tier 1 top list of photovoltaic solar panels compiled by Bloomberg.
Number of cells: 36 cells = 12V, panels ranging from 5W to 200W, 60-120 cells = 24V and powers from 200W to 360W and 72-144/150 cells = 24V and powers from 375W to 500W and upwards. 12V
Size of photovoltaic cells: 125mm, 156,75mm, 158,75mm
Full Black 390W sigle-phase Hyundai
Flexible solar panels
Explore our selection of flexible solar panels for camping, caravans and boats.
Generate your own energy with our photovoltaic solar panels
Buy our solar panels from a wide range of available powers, both monocrystalline and polycrystalline, with manufacturing and energy production guarantee from 15 to 25 years respectively, and if you have any doubts our team will be happy to advise you to adapt to your needs.
Save money on electricity bills and contribute to a more sustainable environment with our quality photovoltaic solar panels.
How do solar panels work?
Self-consumption solar panels take energy from the sun, transforming photons, or particles of light, hitting the free electrons of atoms, generating a flow of electricity. It will be through the photovoltaic cells that will establish an electric field.
Solar panels for home or business are the essential element to generate photovoltaic energy, that is why a correct installation is necessary. A bad installation can generate not only energy losses, but could cause damage to the elements that form it, just as not choosing a good battery can cause poor compatibility with the panel. For this reason, we recommend that you always turn to professionals to carry out the installation.
Polycrystalline solar panels
Discover the benefits of monocrystalline technology with our solar panels with a 15-year manufacturing warranty and power output guaranteed for up to 25 years. Our monocrystalline solar panels offer high performance and energy efficiency, and are ideal for any type of climate. The monocrystalline panels with HJT technology stand out for their maximum energy production efficiency.