Actualización: Recuperados los envíos tras la DANA en Valencia, con algunos retrasos puntuales de los transportes debido a las circunstancias (ver más información aquí)
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1,858.56 € 1,858.56 € with taxes
382.52 € 382.52 € with taxes
1,607.68 € 1,607.68 € with taxes
3,180.97 € 3,180.97 € with taxes
3,292.66 € 3,292.66 € with taxes
3,480.00 € 3,480.00 € with taxes
3,516.07 € 3,516.07 € with taxes
65,044.09 € 65,044.09 € with taxes
36,204.37 € 36,204.37 € with taxes
55.18 € 55.18 € with taxes
78.17 € 78.17 € with taxes
2,508.10 € 2,508.10 € with taxes
8,741.65 € 8,741.65 € with taxes
2,030.37 € 2,030.37 € with taxes
1,708.05 € 1,708.05 € with taxes
3,069.27 € 3,069.27 € with taxes
2,932.57 € 2,932.57 € with taxes
3,379.36 € 3,379.36 € with taxes
6,560.33 € 6,560.33 € with taxes
7,677.30 € 7,677.30 € with taxes
46,439.80 € 46,439.80 € with taxes
20,576.05 € 20,576.05 € with taxes
2,396.57 € 2,396.57 € with taxes
2,297.89 € 2,297.89 € with taxes
2,135.77 € 2,135.77 € with taxes
4,262.14 € 4,262.14 € with taxes
4,017.78 € 4,017.78 € with taxes
49.34 € 49.34 € with taxes
8,161.45 € 8,161.45 € with taxes
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