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  • Filtro senoidal para bombas
  • Variadores y convertidores para bombeo
  • Solar water surface pumps
  • Pressure Pumps
  • Submersible Solar Water Pumps
  • Swimming Pool Purifiers
  • Drainage Pumps
  • Pump Accessories

Solar pumping

Ecological and economical water supply is possible with a solar water pump.

Thanks to photovoltaic solar pumping, we can extract water from wells and other places where electricity does not reach, thus saving on electricity bills and being more environmentally friendly. With a solar pump we can obtain all the water necessary for irrigation in the countryside, for swimming pools or for the consumption of a house.

Make sure you never run out of water thanks to solar pumping!​

Odoo - Prueba 1 a tres columnas

SHURFLO Pressure pump 12V

To increase the pressure of the water outlet from houses, wells, etc.

Odoo - Prueba 2 a tres columnas

Techno Sun Submersible solar pump

Pump installed to draw or convey water from a well located at a high altitude.

Odoo - Prueba 3 a tres columnas

SWF Inverter for pumps

Solar inverter specifically designed to work with solar water pumps.

At Techno Sun you can find a solar kit for direct off-grid solar pumping from brands such as Shurflo, Grundfos or Lorentz, for use in pumping wells or for irrigation with surface water pumps or submersible pumps.

Solar pumping brands

Variador GD100 de 2,2kW - 10A [GD100-2R2G-S2] Variador GD100 de 2,2kW - 10A
- Tensión máxima por serie 800V.
- Elevador de tensión (opcional hasta 2,2kW)
- Protecciones integradas DC/AC
- Monitorización GPRS (Opcional)
- Conexión con transductor de presión (función PID para presión
constante programable mediante transductor 4-20mA)
- Conmuta / Hibrida con Grupo/Red + Solar (Opcional)
508.38 € 508.38 EUR

615.14 € 615.14 € with taxes

910.08 € 910.08 EUR

1,101.20 € 1,101.20 € with taxes

475.34 € 475.34000000000003 EUR

575.16 € 575.16 € with taxes